Proud to Pee

I know that it is fairly common knowledge that a women's bladder is much weaker after childbirth, but I didn't realize quite how weak it actually was until I was challenged by a WOD (workout of the day) with A LOT of double unders.

25 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
Wall Walk (1,2,3,4,5...)
Squat Clean (1,2,3,4,5...) 155lbs for men and 105lbs for women
Double Unders (10,20,30,40,50...) This is where the rope passes under your feet twice every time you jump.

Wall walks-you start in a plank/push up position and then walk your feet up the wall until your doing a handstand against a wall. (Really hard in my opinion)

Wall walks-you start in a plank/push up position and then walk your feet up the wall until your doing a handstand against a wall. (Really hard in my opinion)

I immediately was planning on scaling this workout because for one, I haven't done a wall walk since pre-pregnancy about 2 years ago and for two I haven't done many double unders post pregnancy because honestly, they make me pee my pants. I have tested this a couple of times recently and bailed mid workout. This has been very frustrating because If I'm scaling the workout I tend to not push myself as hard since my time doesn't really matter as much. (Ya I know I'm lazy!) I got tempted to do the workout as prescribed because my only saving grace is that I can lift heavy and was planning on doing the 105lb Squat Cleans. This weight was fairly easy for me so I decided to try out a couple wall walks. I immediately remembered how much they sucked, but I decided that I could do them and then I had to decide if I could do the double unders.

A long time ago I was ok at these, but with the peeing problem I haven't done them in a long time. I had to decide if I was ready to commit to emptying my bladder mid workout. (in my pants) Because if I was going to start this workout, I really didn't want to give up in the middle and do single unders. I decided to put on my big girl panties... AKA go to the restroom, empty my bladder and return with a pad. I was COMMITED!!!

The first couple of rounds went by quick and I felt great, but I was defiantly peeing. I did not stop, I embraced the pee and strung 25 in a row, yipee!!! I haven't done that many in a long time because every time I attempted a double under I start peeing at around 3 and I would immediately stop. Around 15 minutes I felt as if I had a "full" diaper, so instead of switching I ran to the restroom and freshened up. I came back feeling lighter and pumped that I was going to finish this workout!

I ended up completing a little over 6 rounds, which was a total of 210 double unders and 48 wall walks! I was beaming with excitement and proud that I had finished. I'm still getting used to my new mom bod and part of that is accepting some of the changes and embracing them. Hopefully my bladder will get stronger, but until then I will just have to embrace the new me and pee my way through each round.

On another note, my blood sugars were AMAZING during and after this workout so I happily passed on these delicious treats!

Picture of my little man, just because! :)

Picture of my little man, just because! :)